The Regents of the University of California established the prestigious Regents Scholarship Award in 1962 to recognize incoming undergraduates of outstanding academic achievement and promise. At UCSB, the award is coordinated by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Currently the award is $5,000 per year for four years for entering freshmen.
Regents Scholars Program 2025
Program Benefits
In addition to the monetary award, Regents Scholars receive:
- Guaranteed housing in the university residence halls for the first year, guaranteed housing in either the university residence halls or undergraduate apartments for subsequent years, and priority consideration for preferred building and room type for the duration of the Regents Scholarship. (Housing application deadlines and class level eligibility must be met.)
- Extended borrowing privileges at UC Santa Barbara’s Davidson Library to accommodate research needs.
- Membership in UCSB’s Regents Scholars Association (RSA), presenting opportunities for leadership, interaction with faculty, and academic and social programs.
The Regents Scholars Association (RSA) provides:
- Academic and social programming
- Opportunities for leadership, networking, faculty interaction and community service
The Selection Process
The Regents Scholars selection committee conducts a comprehensive review of the freshman applicant pool to determine the student’s strength and breadth of academic preparation. Selection is based on a thorough review of the admissions application. To be eligible for the Regents Scholarship, you must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or a non-citizen student qualifying under California Assembly Bills 130 or 131 with outstanding academic qualifications. Only students who fall under these categories are eligible for the Regents Scholarship.
All freshmen admitted for the fall quarter at UCSB are considered for the Regents Scholarship, based on their UC Application for Admission. No additional information is required. UCSB typically offers the scholarship to students within the top two percent of admitted freshmen. Students are notified in March if they have been selected.
Decisions of the Regents Scholarship Committee are final. Appeals are not accepted.
Maintaining Scholarship Eligibility
To remain eligible for their scholarship, Regents Scholars are required to maintain both a quarterly and cumulative GPA of 3.20. Should the cumulative GPA drop below 3.20, students are normally allowed two quarters to raise their GPA above 3.20 if it is the first occurrence. Similarly, should the quarterly GPA fall below 3.20, students are typically allowed one quarter to raise their quarterly GPA above 3.20 for the first or second occurrence. Exceptional situations will be reviewed by a faculty committee.
In cases of marked improvement, students may be given, at the discretion of a faculty review committee, an additional quarter to make up any deficits. Students who lose their scholarship may petition to have it reinstated.