Policies and Disclosures

Undergraduate Resource Reporting

Attention Campus Partners!

Please see our new page for Campus Partners here.


Your Rights

  • To be given courteous and considerate treatment, as well as dignity and respect.
  • To have all of your records and data treated confidentially.
  • To receive a timely response in your requests for services.
  • To voice a complaint or make a comment or suggestion on any aspect of our office.
  • To an explanation of how your financial aid eligibility was determined. Although we review each student's case individually, we apply the guidelines for eligibility and awarding of aid consistently to all applicants. The awarding policies we implement are determined each year by the UCSB Financial Aid Advisory Committee, which is comprised of UCSB students, faculty, and staff.
  • To accept or decline any or all types of Financial Aid you have been offered.
  • To cancel a loan you have already accepted during the current academic year (although you may be billed back for any proceeds already disbursed).
  • To be provided information on UCSB's policies on withdrawals and refunds.
  • To appeal a decision made by our office or to provide us with new or additional information that may affect your aid eligibility.

Your Responsibilities

  • To be courteous and considerate when communicating with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  • To read and understand all information provided by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships regarding your Financial Aid. Be proactive and take the time to have all of your questions answered. Relying on information from your friends or other departments in this regard can be risky.
  • To provide accurate information (such as updates to your enrollment status, housing status, etc.) in a timely fashion.
  • To submit all documents requested by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships in a prompt fashion.
  • To use Financial Aid funds only for expenses related to your enrollment at UCSB.
  • To be aware of all pertinent deadlines and to pay (or defer) all University expenses on your BARC account by the applicable deadline(s).
  • To make satisfactory academic progress towards your degree objective.
  • To repay any loans advanced to you according to the terms of your promissory note(s).
  • To complete an exit interview prior to leaving the University (if you have received a loan).