Cost of Attendance

Your Financial Aid cost of attendance (or "budget") is an estimate of the expenses you will have as a student while attending the University of California, Santa Barbara. Some of the figures used in the cost of attendance are averages from the Cost of Attendance Survey administered by the University of California, Office of the President. Other figures are exact (such as tuition and fees). The cost of attendance is the maximum amount of Financial Aid that any student may received in their award letter. The cost of attendance is based off the full 9-month academic year, and must be prorated for any periods of non-attendance.

2025-2026 Undergraduate Cost of Attendance

2024-2025 Undergraduate Cost of Attendance

2024-2025 Graduate Cost of Attendance

2023-2024 Graduate Cost of Attendance

These figures may not be final - actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California or, as authorized, by the President of the University of California. Accordingly, final approved levels and charges may differ from the amounts shown on these pages.

*Please refer to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) website for additional information regarding the estimated costs associated with obtaining the CA teaching credential after completing the program:

*Please refer to the Education Abroad Program (EAP) website for additional information regarding estimated study abroad expenses and specific program costs:

*For Parenting Students, our office will add an allowance to your Cost of Attendance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, based on the number and age of such dependents. Please reach out to our office directly for more details regarding this process. For more resources available to Parenting Students please see these additional UCSB websites:

*Our office will also add an allowance to your Cost of Attendance based on expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies. Please reach out to our office directly for more details regarding this process. For more information regarding services and resources available to disabled students, please visit the Disabled Students Program (DSP) website:

*You can also view local housing cost information from the U.S Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) and on the on the UCSB Community Housing website. Keep in mind local averages are not used to determine student cost budgets.